Wednesday, April 30, 2008


65daysofstatic last night were fantastic as usual. Always so much energy. Bit of a shame about the support band, Pilgrim Fathers, who were OK but were just here-there-and-everywhere and well, a bit boring. King Tut's was good. I hadn't been there before and I liked that we could have a cheeky pint downstairs before heading upstairs to a small but spiritful venue.

Can't help feeling I don't go to enough gigs anymore.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Half-Way There...

Well, I'm now officially half-way to getting my degree. It has been tough. It is going to get tougher. I'm pretty sure it's tough for most people, but some people take it better than anothers: I'm a weakling from the latter camp. I get all riled up and want to weep. So far so good though, and I was stunned to find out I got 85% for a module I did last term. It doesn't count for much and I strongly suspect that will be my best mark by a long shot, but I'm happy.

The other thing keeping me smiling is all this wedding stuff. At first it was quite stressful - thinking about where to have it, who to invite, how much it costs and so on - but now that things are getting organised it feels pretty damn good. The location is sorted, a registrar is confirmed and finally, last weekend, we found a ring! It's a fairly normal (read 'classic') ring with a white gold band and a solitaire diamond at the centre. It's not at all what I was expecting to go for (I thought I'd go for something quite unusual) but that one somehow stood out from the crowd of other generic De Beers type rings and I love it.

So it's all a bit of a yo-yo at the moment: up and down, up and down. Two months left to go with college. Hopefully after that things will settle a bit.

Monday, April 14, 2008


Argh! I am slowly turning into a huge bundle of nerves. Final term begins today and so, so much still to do! Just need to soldier on through...

Monday, April 07, 2008


Origami Crane says Hello... I bought origami paper for my
college project, not for making cranes, but I couldn't resist.