Thursday, May 08, 2008

Lupe Pintos es Fantástico!

Lupe Pintos is so goood. It's a well-stocked Mexican deli just along the road on Leven St and has the best guacamole I have ever tasted. I could eat it like a yoghurt. In fact I have. It is so very good! They also have some rather fine salsa, very fresh tasting and with a good kick to it. Check out my chile dog bag:

They have Desperados too, a fine tequila selection and Sailor Jerry's. Tasty booze. You should go there. Right now.

Speaking of tasty booze it's the Heriot Watt Beer Festival tomorrow and I cannot wait. If the weather is like has been for the last week then it will be extra good. I will no doubt drink far too much beer, pretend I'm going to do a yard of ale and then back out at the last minute for being too drunk. I'll also scribble nonsense on my beer menu pretending that I know something about beer, when actually I'm just drunk and want to doodle. I am a civilized drunk don't you know? It will be good.

Thursday, May 01, 2008


Photos as requested...