Thursday, August 13, 2009

It is Thursday. I am on the sauce but I am good. I have work tomorrow but what was five days a week is now only three. This was to be expected but I'm a little disappointed. I will need to find alternative/additional work which is scary, exciting, nerve-wracking, opportune and brings out the indecision in me. But I will try to be bold, steady and decisive. I will try.

Still, I have been up to good things including: exploring my family tree (addictive), making mince pies (off-season), enjoying the Fringe (uplifting), being x-rayed and ultrasonographed (I am fine - see next item), discovering I have an accessory parotid gland (along with a quarter of the population), studying changes in planning policy (dull), enjoying Mardi Gras and Jazz on a Summer's Day (Edinburgh), on the Black Isle (wet), attending Dave and Kaki's wedding (good times), camping in Speyside (invigorating), supping whisky (nostalgic) and watching Desperate Romatics (desperate).

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