Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Date Bars & Zumba

So the date bars turned out pretty well - sweet (but not too sweet) and sticky (but you get to keep your teeth). They are quite crumbly and messy but tasty-good, plus they keep well and are also freezable.

Tried out Zumba on Monday in a small class of all ages and all sizes and came out feeling on top of the world. I forget how much I like dancing. I wouldn't quite say it had a party atmosphere. There were about 10 of us spread across a dull blue school gym which felt very empty. However, it was good fun, and despite feeling slightly mortified (if mortified is a thing you can feel slightly) at all the pelvic action, I am already looking forward to next week. I have also found new respect for Shakira.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I loved it too! Know what would help? If they gave you a shot of something alcoholic at the start to loosen you up.