Sunday, August 30, 2009

Tenuous Top 5: Hot Liquid Things

In reverse order, my top five hot liquid things are as follows:-

5. Gravy. It's very tasty and meaty.
4. Baths. Cleansing, relaxing and they smell nice.
3. Hot Toddy. Whisky, honey and lemon heaven.
2. Lava. Scary but cool, though at 700 °C to 1,200 °C it is hot, hot, hot!

1. Tea. Tea is just more drinkable than lava and it makes you feel good.

Didn't make the list - geyzers and hot springs, coffee, hot water bottles,
hot chocolate and curry sauce.


Unknown said...

honourable mentions go to mulled wine and tomato soup as other tasty hot liquid wonders.

Mrs Fish said...

Mulled wine is indeed delicious but it can also go badly wrong - like with twigs in and things. I'm not sure there is such a thing as a bad hot toddy.